Wednesday 30 November 2016

Maya train running around track

Little scene playblast :)


  1. Mailin - in terms of defining hyperealism you need to define the '3 stages of the simulacra' - not least because by doing so, you can make the link between the consumerism and hyperrealism very clear:

    The 3 orders associate with a chronological timeline - see below copied from wikipedia *naughty* for your reference (I don't want to see this in your dissertation, but it should help you a) understand the principle and b) find it somewhere more reliable!).


    First order, associated with the pre-modern period (pre-industrialisation) where representation is clearly an artificial placemarker for the real item. The uniqueness of objects and situations marks them as irreproducibly real and signification obviously gropes towards this reality.

    Second order, associated with the modernity of the Industrial Revolution, where distinctions between representation and reality break down due to the proliferation of mass-reproducible copies of items, turning them into commodities. The commodity's ability to imitate reality threatens to replace the authority of the original version, because the copy is just as "real" as its prototype.

    Third order, associated with the postmodernity of Late Capitalism (consumer society!), where the simulacrum precedes the original and the distinction between reality and representation vanishes. (i.e. when we start buying into images of idealised ‘life-styles’ instead of things). There is only the simulation, and originality becomes a totally meaningless concept. Baudrillard identifies contemporary media including television, film, print, and the Internet as responsible for blurring the line between products that are needed (in order to live a life) and products for which a need is created by commercial images.

  2. digital set + point and click
